Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Practicing Chapter 2 of Blogging for Dummies Part II

On to page 40: Setting the Dashboard Settings
Let's me first try to got to the dashboard settings.

I'll click SAVE NOW, then click dashboard. Hmmm. it looks different than what was shown on page 41.

I conclude the following:
The interface in blogger.com keeps on changing. The instruction in pages 40-52 offer up the principles behind the interface but you'll have to continue to navigate on your own as the blogger adds new features and updates the old and familiar.

But all the features mentioned in the chapter are there. And then some. 
  • Publishing Changes
  • Formatting Changes
  • Comment Changes
  • e-mail Changes
  • Permission Changes
There are also, as you can see, some other features. You can find them all by clicking on SETTINGS.

Here's another change. Notice how Template is now Layout.

Practicing Chapter 2 of Blogging for Dummies

I'm going through the "Blogging For Dummies" and am on page thirty-two. I will post my progress and comments as I progress. Wish me luck.

Now I'm on page 33. Let me try to format some 
text. So far, I have:
pushed the center text icon
Pushed flush left...
...flush right...
...Largest Text size...
...and normal.
Now it is time to do the link trick on page 44.
It's one of my sites. Let's see if it works. 
I clicked "check spelling (page 35) and nothing was highlighted. Let me try a misspellled word and see if that works. 

There we go. It tells me that misspellled was misspelled. (Or was it mispelled?) Oddly, it did not (just now) highlight all the mispellings in yellow. It did, though, underline them. Clicking control on my Macbook Pro gave suggested  spelling.

Looks like we're in luck. Page 36 of Blogging for Dummies tells me how to insert an image and (tada!) it so happens that I took a screen shot. 

Let me try to put it in.

A couple of problems:
When I first tried to put the image in, I did not get a pop-up when I inserted the Add Image icon -- even tough I
a. tried it several times
b. checked my preferences (Safari) and did
 indeed, find out pop-ups were enabled. 

Then, by mistake, I somehow left this page, maneuvered back and, voila. Placement worked. Here it is.

That's that. Right?

Actually, not.
It seems that as I try to insert another image, I'm stymied.  I hit the insert image icon again and nothing happens. Check spelling, after functioning once again,  has ceased to work, too.

What gives here?

I just figured it out.

Here's where it all breaks down:

Hit Check Speling(sic) and here's what you get.
Notice that done spellchecking at the very bottom of the menu bar?

When that is on, there ain't nothing you can do. You can't insert images. You can't spell check new words. (They will, though, show up with those little dots underneath.)

Anyway, here's the rule:
When you want to insert an image or check spelling again, click on Check Spelling and make certain is is turned off. Then you're free to go.

Now let me try an image from the web. Page 37.

There it is on the left. 

Let me fess up to one trick: When I inserted the image, it was in the upper left hand corner of the window. To move it, I would grab it with my mouse and drag it down. Often in little steps. I did the same with all the other images.

On to page 38. Time to publish this post. Wish me luck.